Free Paper or Plastic? eBook!
How would you like to have your very own digital copy of the first 20 Paper or Plastic? strips, absolutely FREE? Then look no further, dear reader, because this is the page where you can get it!
PC users: Right-click the link above, and click "Save Target As..." (or whatever variant your favorite web browser uses)
Mac users: Command-click the link, and click "Download Linked File" (or appropriate alternative)
(I suggest you look at the cautions and warnings further down this page before you download, though)
This eBook, bearing the highly original title of Paper or Plastic?: The First 20 Strips, comes in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) and Microsoft Word (DOC) formats, and as well as the strips, you'll also find the character bios for Penny, Frank, Sue, Jeff, Price Samurai, Max and Mark, ripped from this very website (hey, I'm the author - I'm allowed to do that sort of thing). There's even an introductory page, containing links to the site, the ComicGenesis wiki article, and the comic's Facebook Page.
So why would you even want to download the eBook if you can view the comics and bios on the site? Well, to be perfectly honest, when I started my fiendish plan to get more readers by uploading the eBook to various websites, some of them wanted links to a download page instead, so I figured I might as well make this page look like the others... But there could be some of you out there who would like a little keepsake, or something, and for those of you, I certainly don't want to stand in your way.
A word of caution to PDA users: Depending on how powerful your PDA is, it's possible that if you try to view this eBook on it, you may either be unable to read the text in the strips, or your PDA might even crash. My own PDA crashed (twice), but it just wasn't up to the task, poor thing.
Which brings me to my next point...
Should you choose to download and use this eBook, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK! No warranty is given or implied, and no responsibility will be accepted for damage caused to your computer or other digital device. Although the eBook was checked for viruses before it was placed on this site, please scan the file for viruses yourself before opening.
(Sorry if I sounded a bit uppity in that last paragraph; I'm just trying to protect my British behind... I'm sure you understand.)
Paper or Plastic? is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.