No web site would be complete without a list of favourite links, and mine is no exception. Here are some of the websites of which I frequently make the rounds:
My "web-comic heroes" and their strips
- Kevin and Kell, created by Bill Holbrook. Updates daily.
- Sluggy Freelance, created by Pete Abrams. Updates daily.
- Candi, created by Starline X Hodge. Updates Mon, Wed, Fri. (Warning: contains occasional profanity.)
Shameless self-promotion...
- Paper or Plastic? on Facebook - There's now a Facebook profile for Paper or Plastic? Feel free to stop by!
- The World Wide Wibble - My first web site, and it shows... But you can find out more about me there, and also see pics of myself, family and friends.
- My YouTube channel - Only one video on there at the moment, and it's of me, making a fool of myself with my dice collection on British national television in 1993. Rather than explain more here, the video is annotated.
... and if you'd like to get in touch...
... then just send an email to pricesamurai AT aol DOT com - I can't guarantee a reply, so please don't think I'm being rude if you don't hear anything back. But I certainly make an effort to read every email I get!
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