by Mark A. Cooper


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You can now vote for Paper or Plastic? at TopWebComics by clicking here: - if you want to :)

Notes on today's comic:

I'm not really used to creating comics without any dialogue, let alone punchlines, but I thought this would be a nice set-up for what's going to follow. Also, considering this strip has ended up being rather on the crowded side, what with seven characters and a fair bit of detail, I thought adding speech balloons would just make the whole thing far too "busy". The composition took quite a lot of effort, too (as well as a few crashes of Paint.NET!)

News, Views and Just Plain Schmooze...

Monday 19 October 2009

As previously mentioned (on October 10's strip), I'm going to have to update on only Mondays at the moment. I'm going through rather a rough patch in my personal life, and it's having an effect on everything I do, not just the strip. I didn't want to abandon things completely, especially since it seems there are quite a few people following the Supa$hoppa gang's "adventures". I hope you can bear with me - hopefully, I'll be able to return to two a week quite soon.

Monday 12 October 2009

You know, for all the visits there's been to this site, I just don't get emails at all. I'd love to know what you think of my comic, good or bad... it doesn't matter if you're an office worker, a bored housewife or a medical student - I don't mind! And in case people don't actually go to the Links/Contact page here, this is the email address: pricesamurai AT aol DOT com (replace the words in capitals with the appropriate symbols, please!). There's still the Facebook Page, too!

Sunday 11 October 2009

TWO THOUSAND HITS SINCE MARCH! WOOHOO! Thanks to everyone, in every one of the 56 countries around the world who have visited this site, and especial thanks to those who keep coming back!

Oh, and in case you're wondering why I'm only counting since March rather than last December, it's because March is when I switched the visitor tracking to the one from Google Analytics, so I'm able to keep a proper count :)

Paper or Plastic? is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.