by Mark A. Cooper


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0201 - Blood Drive

Notes on today's comic (1 Dec 2010):

It's true, though it's not just confined to the British. If you lived in the UK for three months or more, during the period January 1980 to December 1996, or had a blood transfusion in the UK on or after January 1980, you can't give blood in the USA. Scientists believe there's a risk of getting Variant Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease (vCJD, also known as the human form of "mad cow disease"), so the ARC doesn't want to take the risk - the details about vCJD, along with other eligibility requirements, can be found here. It's understandable, I think, though there seems to be confusion as to whether organ donation is allowed.

News, Views and Just Plain Schmooze...

Wednesday 1 December 2010

A special shout-out to "Grinchy", one of the readers over at BookRix, who posted in their forums that the quality of my comics wasn't any good! After a little discussion, it turned out that Grinchy meant the actual rendering of the book itself - something I hadn't been happy about, ever since I uploaded the book in the first place, but I wasn't sure how to fix it. Anyway, there's a higher-quality version of the book on there (though use the "eBook" link on this site for the best one).

Grinchy also asked if there was a way of getting updates when new comics came out. Now, I have no clue about creating RSS feeds, but it turned out that I didn't need to bother, because I found out (after some Googling) that ComicGenesis automatically generates RSS feeds for all comics! Yay! So now, there's an RSS button on each page (after some twiddling), which will bring up the relevant feed for this comic... And since I was in the area, I finally (yeah, yeah, I know) fixed the formatting for the notes text box on the archived version of the pages.

So, many thanks to Grinchy for the kick up the backside I needed!

Monday 29 November 2010

200 strips! I really can't believe I've managed to keep going this long... To those of you still reading the comic after all this time, thank you!

Monday 15 November 2010

Well, I've got over the worst of my cold, but it's still lingering *mutter*. Sorry for not doing a comic for last Wednesday...

Monday 8 November 2010

Guatemala brings the country total to 92, while in the USA, there have been over 4,000 visits! (4,031 out of the total 7,426 since 22 Dec 2008). Yay!

Right now, I've got a bloody annoying cold - luckily, I'd done the biggest part of the work for today's comic before the cold set in, but I'm not sure if there'll be a Wednesday comic. Don't get me wrong: I'm not one of those stereotypical men who make out that their suffering's much worse than it really is - but when you have to stop whatever you're doing every few seconds to wipe or blow your nose, it gets rather irritating! I hope it's eased up by Tuesday night, if not cleared up, but don't get your hopes up :(

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