by Mark A. Cooper


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The Webcomic List

You can now vote for Paper or Plastic? at TopWebComics by clicking here: - if you want to :)

Notes on today's comic:

Don't you just hate when that sort of thing happens? It's happened to me twice in real life, though not over such a short space of time... I bought a Psion Series 3 pocket computer, two months before the 3a came out - and a 3a two months before the 3c came out! I believe I eventually bought a 3c, but I'm not sure how long after that the 3mx came out... grr...

UTTERLY FREAKISH COINCIDENCE NEWS: So that I can keep my strips on the computer in their drawn order (which doesn't necessarily correspond to their "broadcast" order), I number and name them (not that you dear readers presently get to see either). When uploading them to ComicGenesis' servers, you have to put them in date format so they appear on the day you want, so today's is 20100113. In an utterly freakish coincidence which will be of no interest whatsoever, today's comic is number 0113...

News, Views and Just Plain Schmooze...

Wednesday 13 January 2010

The strip has now had over 3,000 visitors! YES! Actually, it's taken me so long to report this information (sorry, folks) that the count is now over 3,100... Better late than never, right?

Also, a huge thank-you to the readers who have been voting for Paper or Plastic? on TopWebComics! It really means a lot that you're showing your support for the comic!

Friday 1 January 2010

Happy New Year! :D

Wednesday 30 December 2009

If I've deciphered the list correctly, the 66th country to host a viewer of Paper or Plastic is Ukraine! Meanwhile, the total number of viewers is now over 2,900 - it'll be interesting to see how high the count will be by March (when the next "year" according to Google Analytics starts)...

Wednesday 23 December 2009

After what seemed like an eternity, another US state has joined the viewing list - Rhode Island! That brings the total to 45 (plus the District of Columbia). Meanwhile, the total number of visits worldwide is approaching 2,800; it may not seem like much, but it's always nice to see the numbers steadily growing :)

Since the next strip won't be until December 28, I'd just like to wish everyone a joyful holiday season, whichever holiday it happens to be :)

Paper or Plastic? is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.