by Mark A. Cooper


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You can now vote for Paper or Plastic? at TopWebComics by clicking here: - if you want to :)

Notes on today's comic:

Wow, the rain in my part of Connecticut was terrible on Monday! And I did indeed end up out in the parking lot - only for about half an hour, but it was more than enough to get absolutely soaked... and several hours after finishing work, my shoes still had a nauseating stink to them! And I tell you this much: those cheap plastic ponchos you can buy are good for only two things: falling down over your eyes, and tearing!

Still, things could have been worse - a tree was blown down in the stormy weather where I live, taking a power line with it... Had I been five minutes earlier leaving for work, I could have been injured - or worse...

News, Views and Just Plain Schmooze...

Wednesday 27 January 2010

More visitors (over 3,300); more countries (Mauritius and Slovakia); and another state (Delaware)! Yay! :D

Monday 18 January 2010

The visitor count is rising nicely - over 3,200 visits to date! Also, the 67th country to join the viewer list is Oman, while in the USA, the 46th state to have a visitor is Oklahoma - all the O's right now!

I was rather surprised to see (though I'm not complaining, you understand) that on the Google Analytics list of countries and visits, in sixth place - but climbing rather rapidly - is India (the overall count shows the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and Sweden ahead). This comic's turning out to be quite an adventure! :)

Wednesday 13 January 2010

The strip has now had over 3,000 visitors! YES! Actually, it's taken me so long to report this information (sorry, folks) that the count is now over 3,100... Better late than never, right?

Also, a huge thank-you to the readers who have been voting for Paper or Plastic? on TopWebComics! It really means a lot that you're showing your support for the comic!

Paper or Plastic? is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.