by Mark A. Cooper


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You can now vote for Paper or Plastic? at TopWebComics by clicking here: - if you want to :)

Notes on today's comic:

Tomorrow is Mum's birthday, and rather than send an eCard, I thought I'd do this cartoon as a sort of substitute :) I also thought it might be a nice idea to include Mum in a comic, even if we can't actually see her (partly because I didn't get permission from her to draw her - I like to ask people's permission before I draw them).

We do actually talk to each other in the manner depicted in this strip, more or less... I'm very lucky to have a mum with whom I don't have to feel inhibited when it comes to talking about risque or sensitive subjects!

One thing I'm rather proud of (not that I had any part in it myself) is that Mum got into using computers and the Internet not long after I moved to the USA - which, amongst other things, enables her to stay in touch with both myself and her pen-friend :)

Incidentally, the teddy bear in the picture is based on my favourite teddy bear, Henry - you can see pictures of the real version here.

News, Views and Just Plain Schmooze...

Monday 8 February 2010

Seventy-one countries now - the latest being Belgium and Bangladesh! Also, the site's coming up on 3,500 visits... woohoo!

Wednesday 27 January 2010

More visitors (over 3,300); more countries (Mauritius and Slovakia); and another state (Delaware)! Yay! :D

Monday 18 January 2010

The visitor count is rising nicely - over 3,200 visits to date! Also, the 67th country to join the viewer list is Oman, while in the USA, the 46th state to have a visitor is Oklahoma - all the O's right now!

I was rather surprised to see (though I'm not complaining, you understand) that on the Google Analytics list of countries and visits, in sixth place - but climbing rather rapidly - is India (the overall count shows the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and Sweden ahead). This comic's turning out to be quite an adventure! :)

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