by Mark A. Cooper


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0048 - Laura's Crush

I hadn't originally intended for Laura and Rob to become an item - I just wanted to use Laura as a sort of level-headed foil for Rob's goofiness. But they sort of took on a life of their own, and even began to balance each other out: Laura's a little more loose, and Rob's a bit more responsible. So Laura realising she has an attraction to Rob seemed like a natural progression.

As for women throwing themselves at men... It's one of the damned annoying things about Western culture that women who do that sort of thing are often regarded as having "loose morals". Honestly, not having that particular stigma would make it a heck of a lot easier for men who aren't that great with "signals" (especially ones that aren't really there...). It doesn't do much for my self-esteem that the only women who come on to me are drunk when they do it...

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